Birds associated with emerging masses of tul (Schoenoplectus californicus: Cyperaceae) in three municipalities of Sololá, in the Lake Atitlán Basin Multiple Use Reserve, Guatemala


  • M. Garcia Centro de Datos para la Conservacion, Centro de Estudios Consenacionistas. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • V. Dávila Centro de Datos para la Conservacion, Centro de Estudios Consenacionistas. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • B. Noriega Asociación Ati't Ala', San Juan La Laguna, Lago de Atitlán, Sololá



Tul, nesting, aquatic ecosystems, Lake Atitlán, aquatic birds, Schoenoplectus californicus


Lake Atitlán is considered an important wetland water reservoir in Guatemala. The whole basin was declared as "Reserva de Usos Múltiples”, and it includes a variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In the aquatic ecosystems there species known locally as “tul”, Schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperace) and Typha dominguenisis (Typhaceae), both of socioeconomic importance because they are used for handcrafts making. From both species of tul, S. californicus is the most abundant in the ecosystem. Currently, the Consejo Nacional de Áreas
Protegidas and civil organizations, are developing and designing tools for the management and monitoring of this natural resource, In our study we recorded bird species associated with emergent masses of S. californicus as inputs for the design of a biological monitoring program. We recorded eleven species associated to the mass of tul and 15 more species associated with surrounding aquatic ecosystems. Breeding. There was
reproduction activity recorded associated to S. californicus masses for the species of Oxyura jamaicensis, Fulica americana and Gallínula chloropus. The importance of aquatic ecosystems for survival of resident and migratory bird species was documented in this study in Atitlán lake.


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How to Cite

Garcia, M., Dávila, V., & Noriega, B. (2011). Birds associated with emerging masses of tul (Schoenoplectus californicus: Cyperaceae) in three municipalities of Sololá, in the Lake Atitlán Basin Multiple Use Reserve, Guatemala. Revista Científica, 20(1), 7–14.



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