Anthropometric characterization, level of physical activity and healthy lifestyles in the teaching, administrative and service personnel of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala


  • Cecilia Liska de León Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of San Carlos of Guatemala
  • Elsa García Arriaza Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of San Carlos of Guatemala



sedentary lifestyle, overweight, eating habits, nutritional status


In the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy of the University San Carlos of Guatemala (USAC) it has been observed that teaching, administrative, and service personnel have a high risk of suffering from chronic diseases. This a public health problem, that has increased worldwide, is associated with sedentary lifestyle, inadequate diets, smoking, consumption of alcohol and drugs; for which the study sought to carry out the anthropometric characterization, level of physical activity and healthy lifestyles of the Faculty personnel. This transversal descriptive study was done to 69
teachers and 56 administrative and service staff. The questionnaires applied were the Abbreviated
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), an evaluation of healthy lifestyles, a body mass index (BMI), a percentage of fat, and a waist circumference measurement. The average BMI for both groups results in overweight, obtaining for teaching staff 25.4 CI 95% [24.3, 26.4], and for administrative and service staff 27.0 CI 95% [26.1, 27.9], with a percentage of healthy average fat according to age and sex, and a waist circumference within the parameters. Regarding the eating habits, more than 90% of the sample performs three times of meals Also, there is a low consumption of fruits, vegetables, and water according to the recommendations. From the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, a low frequency of consumption is observed. According to IPAQ, 58% of the teaching staff and 66% of the administrative and service staff studied are inactive. It is necessary to increase the facilities of the personnel to carry out physical activity and to orient towards the change of alimentary habits to promote healthy lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Liska de León, C., & García Arriaza, E. (2018). Anthropometric characterization, level of physical activity and healthy lifestyles in the teaching, administrative and service personnel of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Revista Científica, 28(1), 21–33.



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