Elaboration of a Protocol for the Computerized Nutritional Management of Adult Surgical Patients With Enteral Feeding of the San Juan de Dios Hospital


  • L. Vargas Oliva Escuela de Nutrición, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • V. Mayén Escuela de Nutrición, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • D. Galindo Escuela de Nutrición, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




Elaboration, Protocol, Computerized Nutritional Management, Adult Surgical Patients With Enteral Feeding, San Juan de Dios Hospital


In the clinical practice of adult nutrition at the San Juan de Dios General Hospital (HGSJDD), preventive, curative and administrative activities are carried out, which lead to optimal use of time, which is used mostly in carrying out activities. teaching and training. Due to the high demand for nutritional care and the limited available resources, the coverage of care and the productivity of the nutritionist are affected, so in this study the need to develop a computerized program for the nutritional management of adult surgical patients was detected. with enteral feeding, as a tool to help improve productivity and I will reduce! time in carrying out this type of diet.

To develop the computer program, a diagnosis of the nutritional management of adult surgical patients with enteral feeding was initially made, in which the data collection instruments were developed, the formulas and tables for calculating and interpreting anthropometric data were compiled, as well as as reference data from laboratory tests. Then, the standardization of different measures of enteral products was carried out and the values ​​of energy, macro and micronutrients were determined. With these data we proceeded to the design, implementation and validation of the program, and finally to the elaboration and validation of the manual by the user. The computer system was organized and developed in modules for easy operation and management, being the following: general data, clinical history, patient problems, system evaluation, medication control, biochemical, anthropometric, dietary evaluation, calculation of requirements, formula calculation, formula properties and online help. In these modules it is possible to record, calculate and interpret the different data related to the nutritional management of enterally fed patients.

In this way, an instrument of great help to the nutritionist was obtained, allowing him to improve his productivity by reducing the time spent in carrying out calculations related to the diagnosis and the implementation of enteral feeding.


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How to Cite

Vargas Oliva , L., Mayén, V., & Galindo, D. (2003). Elaboration of a Protocol for the Computerized Nutritional Management of Adult Surgical Patients With Enteral Feeding of the San Juan de Dios Hospital. Revista Científica, 16(1), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.54495/Rev.Cientifica.v16i1.241



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