Detection of Virulence Genes of Helicobacter Pylori Strains in Biopsies of Guatemalan Patients With Gastric Cancer


  • R.D. Hemández Escuela de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • O.R. Torres Escuela de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Detection, Helicobacter Pylori Strains, Biopsies, Gastric cancer


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), is a bacillus with a curved or spiral appearance. Gram negative, inhabiting the non-acid-producing gastric mucosa in humans; is responsible for 80 percent
percent of cases of gastritis and is associated with other pathologies such as: ulcers, gastnco cancer and maltoma-type gastric lymphoma (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma) and affects 50 percent of the world population. The infection is commonly acquired during the first 10 years of life, and persists throughout the life of the patient in most cases. The main risk factors for acquiring the infection are low socioeconomic status (especially during childhood). poor hygiene habits, overcrowding; In addition, some authors report an inverse relationship in terms of educational level and infection by the microorganism.

Considering that both H. pylori infection and gastric cancer are common conditions among the Guatemalan population, in the present study an investigation was carried out
about the relationship between gastric cancer cases in a group of Guatemalan patients and H. pylori infection, also establishing the genetic pattern of H. pylori strains associated with the gastric cancer cases studied.


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How to Cite

Hemández, R., & Torres, O. (2004). Detection of Virulence Genes of Helicobacter Pylori Strains in Biopsies of Guatemalan Patients With Gastric Cancer. Revista Científica, 17(1), 65–66.



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