Proposal for a Cream and Shampoo Formulation Based on Zapuyul Oil (Pouteria sapota Oil) and Sensory Analysis of its Moisturizing Capacity


  • I. Moscoso Escuela de Química Farmacéutica, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • P. Garcia Escuela de Química Farmacéutica, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • R. Victoria Escuela de Química Farmacéutica, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • N. Rodriguez Escuela de Química Farmacéutica, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • S. Cruz Escuela de Química Farmacéutica, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Aceite de Zapuyul, Análisis Sensorial, Capacidad Humectante, Formulación de crema y champú, Cosmético


The Purpose of this research was to determine the usefulness of the sapuyulo oil a cosmetic principle for the moisturizing of skin and hair in humans, through a new cream and shampoo formula, and a sensory analysis.
The project was divided in 3 phases: The evaluation of the physico-chemical parameters of the sapuyulo oil. the formulation and production of sapuyulo cream and shampoo, with the appropriate quality control, the sensory análisis of the and skin and hair of human beings. This analysis evaluated the moisture, brightness and smoothness provided by sapuyulo oil in the new formula. The sensory analysis consisted of 4 sessions, where people from different groups: placebo and experimental, were interviewed over a period of one month in each session. Of the 80 people who started the study, 26 people dropped out before finishing it and 54 completed it. It was determined that the two parameters evaluated in hair (moisture and brightness) and of the two evaluated in the skin (moisture and smoothness), only the smoothness parameter is statistically significant between the comparison of sapuyulo oil cream and placebo cream, so the sapuyulo oil cream can be used in the cosmetic industry- as a product that gives smoothness to skin


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How to Cite

Moscoso, I., Garcia, P., Victoria, R., Rodriguez, N., & Cruz, S. (2011). Proposal for a Cream and Shampoo Formulation Based on Zapuyul Oil (Pouteria sapota Oil) and Sensory Analysis of its Moisturizing Capacity. Revista Científica, 20(1), 16–27.



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