Reflections regarding the sample of the surveys on the intention to vote 2011


  • O. Nave Herrera Unidad de Biometría, Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas y Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC)



sampling, vote, accounts, reflections


When reviewing the surveys published in the media on the population's intention to vote before the general elections in our country, a series of statistical elements that should be a reason for analysis and reflection are striking. Especially when the surveys are publicly questioned about their reliability and that the media defend them with arguments that are unclear to the majority, with the indication that they were carried out in compliance with the most rigorous statistical standards. That is why in this article, some of the aspects related to opinion polls are analyzed to measure the intention to vote that were published prior to the General Elections of Guatemala held on September 11, 2011, so that the reader knows the statistical guidelines that should govern this type of research and form a criterion when interpreting them.


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How to Cite

Nave Herrera, O. (2011). Reflections regarding the sample of the surveys on the intention to vote 2011. Revista Científica, 21(2), 95–99.



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