Study of cardiovascular risk according to the Framingham index of faculty and staff at the University Francisco Marroquín


  • T. Cárdenas Merck S.A. de Guatemala
  • D. Roche Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
  • M. Almengor Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
  • J. Rodriguez Escuela de Nutrición, Universidad Francisco Marroquín



Cardiovascular risk, Index of Framingham, total cholesterol, triglyceridos


The faculty and staff of an academic institution should keep good health to meet the daily challenges of their work mainly in terms of their cardiovascular health.Is important for patient at risk to know his cardiovascular and coronary disease assessment in order to dicede preventive strategies. We investigated the relationship between age, waist circumference, weight, fat percentage, BMI, physical activity, smoking, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and glucose and its relation to cardiovascular risk. The sample consisted of 40 adults over 20 years of both sexes whose profile is the intellectual worker, sedentary and subjected to stress. The results were compared to the Framingham Index a multifactorial test. It showed the range where the highest value of 21.32% of cardiovascular risk, overlaps with the patient's age and not with the other parameters studied, also established a significant relationship between high systolic pressure and waist circumference high of 11.91%. The values of 7.14%, 7.73% and 12.10% are mainly cardiovascular risk associated with smoking.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas, T., Roche, D., Almengor, M., & Rodriguez, J. (2012). Study of cardiovascular risk according to the Framingham index of faculty and staff at the University Francisco Marroquín. Revista Científica, 22(1), 39–42.



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